Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Six Months Down ... Twelve Months to Go

We reported for our mission 6 months ago yesterday.  I honestly cannot figure out where the time has gone.  It has gone way too fast!  I have tried to evaluate myself and see if I have progressed.  After consideration I can report that I have indeed progressed in several ways.

1.  After 44 years we are living in an apartment smaller than our first.  You might think that was a step backwards, but you would be wrong.  When we first arrived I felt somewhat claustrophobic.  Today I simply feel liberated.  It is cozy and comfortable, and takes all of 10 minutes to give it a good cleaning.

2.  When we arrived I had been used to walking as far as the garage, where I hopped into my car and drove to the door of my destination.  Today I walk a minimum of 4 miles a day.  When we arrived we always took the elevator in the temple.  Today I walk the stairs most of the time.  The result?  About 15 pounds less.  We have also become expert in public transportation.  They have such a great system here.

3.  When I got here, even though I could read the ordinances in Spanish, it was painfully slow.  Today I am completely up to speed, and have all the ordinances memorized in Spanish.  I can also go back and forth with Spanish and English, and only fall back into Spanish occasionally.  In other words, Spanish is easier than English now.

4.  When I arrived I always panicked when someone started speaking Spanish to me.  I don't panic any more.  I still may not know what they are saying, but I do not panic.  I also understand so much more than I did when I arrived.  I didn't even recognize that they were speaking Spanish before, but now I do recognized the language.  I also get the gist most of the time.

5.  I was afraid to use what Spanish I had when I got here.  Today I gave all directions to the workers in Spanish.  They seemed to understand me.

6.  When I arrived I was not trained in the way the Spanish run this temple.  Today I am trained in every aspect there is, including Coordinator.

7.  When I arrived I refused to do the ordinances in any language other than English and Spanish.  Today, bring it on!

When I arrived I could not picture myself doing any of these things.  With God all things are possible, and I feel incredibly blessed to be here.  I hope I continue to progress over the next year.  I would really like to get better with Spanish, and `I would really love to memorize all the ordinances in all the languages we use here.  That might be a bit much, but I plan on giving it an honest effort.

What has not gotten easier?

1.  It isn't any easier to be away from family.

2.  It isn't any easier to be away from family.

3.  It isn't any easier to be away from family.

Is it worth it?


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