Sunday, February 15, 2015



Ana and Gloria decided to stay at the condo on this day.  It was a beautiful day, though chilly.  We set out to see as many of the White Villages as we could before the sun went down.

The mountain area of Malaga is dotted with small white villages that shine in the sunlight.

Our first stop was Casares.

Have I mentioned how rocky Spain is?

They also have a penchant for building villages on steep hills.

Every village, and sometimes large cities, have their old geezer hangout.

You would be surprised how many of their statues wear glasses.

You really have to be fit to live in a place like this.

No matter how cute the town, they always have their laundry hanging out the window.

We're talking really narrow streets.  Cars are kind of useless here.

Homes are narrow also.  This one is not much wider than the front door.

As you can see, they are called white villages for good reason.

My guess is someone came through with a great deal on white paint.

They just build on top of the rocky terrain, and paint the rock as well.

From the top of the road we look out over the town.

We can the ocean from here.

Worse for wear, but has it's own charm. The paint salesman needs to come through again.

Even the tree trunks get painted white.

For winter, there so many flowers, and so much green.

Of course, every village has to have its castle.

The cemeteries in this region are interesting.

Caught in the act.

More orange trees.

The balcony to nowhere.

Yes, its a rock sticking out of someone's home.  Missed the white paint.

Old geezer hangout.

The church seemed to be their favorite choice.

Notice it is always men hanging out.  The women are home hanging out the laundry.


From here I could see all the way to Gibraltar with my telephoto lens.
That's the big rock you see in the background.

Ruins of a castle.

Any place they can hang it.

San Pablo de Buceite

Another village castle.

You can see the evidence.  This was a Moorish castle.

El Castillo de Jimena de la Frontera

Everywhere you go.  No has a dryer.

Should this cause concern?  

As the sign says, Castellar

This is the ugliest church I've seen since I arrived in Spain.

Now I love this.  "He's Got the Whole Town in His Hands."  Even the ugly church.

Gibraltar in the distance.

Our last stop was my favorite.  Castillo de Castellar.

The views were breath-taking!

The castle had been turned into a hotel, and the castle wall surrounded the village.

No cars in this village.

An interesting household pet.

Your local mini-mart.

It's been a long day for this geezer.

Looks like a fossil to me.

It is not the camera that is leaning.

I nearly killed myself to get this shot.  Probably not worth it.

Back at the condo.

And home in time to catch a sunset.

Again, Gibraltar in the distance.  That is one BIG rock!

                                                   Marriott Playa Andaluza Condos

The end of an amazing day.

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