Sunday, June 29, 2014
Our First Week
Monday, June 23, 2014
Our 480 square feet of Living
Friday, June 20, 2014
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Sunday June 15, 2014
Friday, June 13, 2014
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Madrid Countdown
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Liz's Farewell Talk 6/8/2014
Good morning Brothers and Sisters. I am really excited for this day to finally arrive. We have planned our mission for over 43 years, and received our call over 7 months ago. We are very excited that we will be serving in Madrid Spain in the Madrid Temple. We will be serving in the sacred house of the Lord 5 days a week, feeling that very special spirit that is always present, and serving our brothers and sisters from Spain, Portugal, France and Italy who are assigned to the Madrid Temple. It is the largest temple in Europe, and has the 3rd largest temple square in the world, with Salt Lake, and Los Angles in first and second. We will be living on temple square and walking a meer 50 yards to work each day. We are also grateful for family and friends who have made the effort to be with us today. Four of our eight children are here from Utah and Texas, and we are very touched by their sacrifice to show their support. We love them very much.
I have a few thoughts that I want to share with you today. God's plan for us has always impressed me. It is very simple. I can remember my father teaching me this principle when I was a little girl, as he was also very impressed, as a convert, that Our Heavenly Father loved us so much. My favorite scripture is 2nd Nephi chapter 2 verses 24-25 "But Behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things. Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy."
Joseph Smith said, "Happiness is the object and design of our exsistance; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue that path that leads to it...."
Every parent wants their children to be happy. It is our primary goal. We understand that certain rules and principles are neccesary for happiness to be gained and maintained. We do our best to steer them in the direction that has the best potential for sustained happiness.
I want to talk about the 3 principles that I believe must be practised in order to be happy. The first is Gratitude.
Joseph F Smith said, "The grateful man sees so much in the world to be thankful for, and with him the good outweighs the evil. Love overpowers jealousy, and light drives darkness out of his life. Pride destroys our gratitude and sets up selfishness in its place. How much happier we are in the presence of a grateful and loving soul, and how careful we should be to cultivate, through the medium of a prayerful life, a thankful attitude toward God and man!"
D&C 59:7 reads, "Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things …."
Does God need our gratitude? Is Heavenly Father dependent on our grateful hearts? Does it make him wiser or more powerful? If not, why are we commanded to be grateful?
Joseph Smith, gave us the answer when he stated, "As God has designed our happiness- and the happiness of all his creatures, he never has – he never will institute an ordinance or give a commandment to his people that is not calculated in its nature to promote that happiness which he has designed."
Preseident Monson said, "Sincerely giving thanks not only helps us recognize our blessings, but it also unlocks the doors of heaven and helps us feel God's love. To express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven."
The second principle is Forgiveness.
I think we all understand the need to be forgiven. There is no one here who has not offended God or man. But what I want to talk about is the need to forgive others. This is an essential part of happiness.
Mathew 18:21-22 reads, Then Peter came to him and said, Lord how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say unto thee, until seventy times seven.
Often the one who offends us either does not know, or does not care, need or want our forgiveness. There can be offenses so much greater and horrible and out of proportion to anything you have ever done to another, so why is it so important to forgive? D&C 64:9 reads," He that forgiveth not his brothers trespasses standith condemed before the Lord, for it remainith in him the greater sin."
How could this be the greater sin? Because what we are actually saying is that we reject the atonement. It wasn't enough, it wasn't sufficient. There needs to be a greater price to pay. It is our acceptance of the attonement that ultimately saves us. It is easy for us to accept the fact that we can be forgiven through the attonement, but often we don't see how the attonement also satisfies our demand for justice against others, to fulfill our rights to restitution. It not only heals us from the guilt we suffer when we sin, but it also heals us from the sins and hurts of others. We may think that justice is far away. However, we can see the happy results of forgivness here and now. Happiness is the reward we receive now. Anger, resentment and hurt do nothing to punish the perpetrator. It is like drinking poison, and expecting the offender to die. Resentment, and anger is like a poison. It destroys our ability to be happy.
There are two sides to the attonement. We cant have faith in only one side. We must have faith in His power to save us from our sins, and, the power to pay the price for the sins of others. As forgiving others is a commandment, I remind you again what Joseph Smith said about commandments. God, "never has –He never will institute an ordinance or give a commandment to his people that is not calculated in its nature to promote that happiness which he has designed."
Now the last principle is LOVE.
In Mark 12 we read, "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength; this is the first commandment."
Why would God command us to love Him? Well, he answers that. The Lord said, "These things I have spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full."
That confirms what Joseph Smith said about commandments being designed for our happiness.
So how do we "Love the Lord"? John 14:15 reads. "If ye love me, keep my commandments." That seems pretty cut and dry. If we love him we keep his commandments, and if we keep his commandments they are designed for our happiness.
There is a much loved poem by Joy Allison, entitled:
Which Loved Best
I love you Mother said little John
Then, forgetting his work, his cap went on.
And he was off to the garden swing
And left her the water and wood to bring.
I love you Mother said rosy Nell
I love you better than tongue can tell
Then she teased and pouted for half the day
till her mother rejoiced when she went to play
I love you Mother said little Nan
Today I'll help you all I can,
How glad I am that school doesn't keep
So she rocked the babe till it fell asleep.
Then, stepping softly, she fetched the broom,
And swept the floor, and tidied the room
Busy and happy all day was she,
Helpful and happy as child could be
I love you Mother, again they said,
Three little childcren going to bed;
How do you think that mother guessed
Which of them really loved her best.
My mother parodied this poem once using the names of her children and using their typical behavior patterns. I have to say I did not come off looking good. I can't remember who loved her best, but it obviously was not me.
Awhile back I attended another ward in another stake where a talented speaker also pinned a parody of the famous poem. It went like this:
I love thee Lord, Prayed "Good-Time" Lars
Then he cheated on taxes and cheated at cards
He drove the car at double the limit
And cursed the cop who caught him in it
He kicked the dog, who yelped and ran
Then berated his wife like a "Manly" man
I love thee Lord, prayed Gracie Mae
Then got on-line for most of the day
She spread the news, and some of it true
About her friends and neighbors too.
She was way too tired to help next door
While Martha Jane lay on the floor
"That's nervy," she thought, to call on me,
As if my time were cheap and free."
I love thee Lord prayed humble Dwayne
As he contemplated the Savior's pain,
His selfless effort to bless all men
And raise them up with him again
I love thee Lord, I can do more
Then he volunteered, and fed the poor
He helped the widows and fatherless
And looked all day for others to bless
He home-taught early then went again,
He helped to load a moving van
He went to the Temple for Grandpa Flannery
Then later he served at the Regional Cannery
He saved his best for fam-i-ly
Tossed the ball and climbed the tree
He did the dishes, and bathed the kids
Read scriptures, prayed, and tucked in beds
He listened with interest as his WIFE,
Recounted the ups and downs of life
He hugged her tight and reassured
His deepest love and support for her
I love thee Lord, again they said,
As each one knelt beside the bed;
How do you think the Lord will judge
Which of them really truly loved?
We love God by careing about the problems He cares about. We love God by caring about our neighbor. We love God by trying to be like Him. We love God by learning everything He taught and striving to live those principles that were designed for our happiness.
I would like to leave you with my testimony:
I know that God lives. I know this in all that I am surounded with; this incredible world that he created; the spirit that I feel when he comforts me, inspires me, and teaches me; the miracles that I have experienced in my life, and the tender mercies that He that he has shown me.
I believe with all my heart in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is the instrument that God has given us, the support we need, the strength that it gives us to continue to grow in the gospel, and encourages us to follow the Savior.
I am so grateful for the scriptures. Through the words of God we are able to know what is expected of us. They lift me when I am discouraged, and inspire me for loftier goals. They humble me and teach me to love. They bring me joy.
I love the temple. I love the spirit I feel when I am there. I love the beautiful ordinances that I have been given, and the promises that are given, and the truth it teaches. The love I feel in the house of the Lord is not found in its quality and quantity anywhere else.
I am so grateful to be allowed to serve in this capacity, To stand on Holy ground every day, To be constantly assured of the love of God.
I believe in the attonement. I believe in its power. I believe that because of the attonement all mankind may be saved. Through the attonement we may all realize the purpose of our creation.
I am grateful for parents who believed, and gave me the strenth to also believe. I know that my sisters and brother and neices will be here to help my sweet mother. We have not been seperated for very long for these past 33 years she has been widowed. This seperation will be difficult for her, and I ask your prayers and friendship in her behalf. I love her with all my heart.
I love the companion I will be serving with. He is such a blessing to me. I love all of my family and will miss them dearly, but I also know, and have been promised, that our service will bring special blessings to all of them. Please be aware of the blessings that come into your life and recognize God's love for you.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen